Being in the medical profession for the past 35 years, it’s an understatement to say I’ve seen and experienced some changes in the healthcare system. As a registered nurse who has worked in different capacities and is married to a practicing dentist who is a sole business proprietor, the experience base widens.
Presently, I am a clinical nursing instructor whose job is to instruct, educate, mentor and mold competent future nurses. Just this week, I had a guest speaker come and speak to them about the computer data documentation changes that were in the near future for this particular long term care/rehab facility.
Key Principles to Focus on
She spoke on the positives of being able to provide consistency and collaboration with other health care providers working with the same patient/resident. The safety feature of less risk for medical errors due to inability to read or misinterpreting hand written orders, a well-known and touted benefit.
And hopefully, computerized digital charting will “catch” additional data to help assist in future medical reimbursement.
Don’t Forget to Acknowledge Less Openly Expressed Fears
The negative and less openly expressed concerns being the huge cost factor, both the system itself as well as the time in training for all involved. One must remember that many of these health care workers have been there providing excellent care for over 10, 20, 30 years and the thought of change can be frightening. I have known of many health care workers who would rather retire than be forced to “change now.”
My point being, the HOW CHANGE occurs can be crucial in the future success of the change. Helping people see the benefits and rewards and getting them invested in the project itself in an atmosphere of acceptance and warmth is key.
We all must see and be the benefit to reap the future rewards.
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About the Author: Karen Walton is a nursing instructor with J. Everett Light Career Center in Indianapolis, IN. She brings with her over three decades of experience in clinical and administrative experience and having seen healthcare change dramatically offers fresh insight into how change impacts all stakeholders across the healthcare industry.