Northwind Pharmaceuticals

Excellence: Why You Should Seek Value instead of Success

Excellence-Why-You-Should-Seek-Value-instead-of-SuccessToday we are surrounded with books and seminars and workshops aimed at making us more successful. Many of these are from great speakers who have advice that is worthy of our attention. Before you begin your journey through the maze of self-help literature and expensive workshops out there, ask yourself to consider the words of Albert Einstein:

Try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value.

Success and excellence are about so much more than your profit; rather, they are about serving your customers, patients, clients, etc. with that unique value proposition that only you can offer.

When is the last time you identified your value proposition?

In that race to become “excellent” or the successful type, we have learned all the markings of a successful person on the outside and have learned them well enough to fool a lot of people into believing we are what we are selling. We even get to believing it ourselves. We know how to dress like a successful person would dress; we learn how to talk like success, and even walk like success. For some of us, we have set our eyes on the goal of being a success or achieving excellence so much that we have forgotten the most important and deeply intrinsic parts of being a real success.That is first to become a person or business of value. When was the last time you evaluated what it is that you offer, its uniqueness and how well you are delivering that?

You Can Never Learn Enough: Einstein’s Example

Albert Einstein was a student his entire life. Even as a young person before he had finished high school he taught himself math and physics.  He worked diligently writing papers that astounded scientists and physics teachers alike. He was never a stranger to hard work. In his spare time he produced papers for the patent office he worked at.  In 1909, at age 30 he became Professor Extraordinary at Zurich; in 1911, he became Professor of Theoretical Physics at Prague. A Nobel Prize winner, Einstein kept busy writing theories and papers receiving doctorates from practically every university he was associated with.

He was surrounded by socialites who dragged him away from his work, but he always found ways to excuse himself and he would be back to work doing something he viewed as productive. Einstein understood more than physics. He understood what value meant, what it could deliver and how even one man or woman could be a vehicle through which that was channeled.

Einstein’s perspective was to improve upon your value and success, and excellence would come naturally as by-products of your hard work.  In that vein, don’t strive for success as so many success gurus would have you do. There are no short cuts in life. You must become a person or business known for your character, your true value. In this way, you’ll discover the excellence and the success that “Einsteins” worldwide have enjoyed today and through history.

Looking for a Partner in Healthcare with Clear Values?

If you’re going to do something right, do it well, and let Northwind Pharmaceuticals come alongside you. Check out ways to boost practice revenue with in-house dispensing solutions.

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