Phillip Berry

Phillip Berry is Founder and CEO of Northwind Pharmaceuticals. A graduate of Butler University, he has served on the board of advisors for the College of Business and is an active Butler alum.

Driven by a desire to transform businesses and communities through creative problem-solving, Phil leads the strategic vision of Northwind. His commitment to improving population health reaches beyond the workplace to creating positive health outcomes for underserved groups in his home town of Indianapolis and globally.

Phil has served as board Vice President for Gennesaret Free Clinics and as a member of the board of directors for Timmy Global Health. A graduate of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program through Babson College, he went on to serve as a Business Advisor to that program and a mentor to other entrepreneurs.

Phil currently serves as a Board Member for the National Association of Worksite Health Centers.

An active blogger on healthcare and business topics, Phil has authored three books: Nexus of Care, Stones Across the River, and Every Day is Gameday.

Phil is based in Indianapolis and offices out of Northwind's headquarters at the former St. Bernadette’s Church and School.

Featured Articles

Population Health, Technology, and the Demand for Immediacy

Phillip Berry | Nov 4th, 2020
In this digital age, we as consumers have become accustomed to the convenience of immediacy. Prior to the advent and widespread availability of the World Wide Web and soon thereafter mobile computing, the customer experience was inconsistent and became an exercise in patience. Today, with 2-day shipping, multi-channel communication updates, and over 70% of the … more »
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Employee Health: Playing the Long Game

Phillip Berry | Oct 7th, 2020
Here we are at the beginning of the Fourth Quarter and the only October surprise that most employers are seeing is associated with their employee healthcare costs. Large employer’s surveyed by Business Group on Health (BGH) expect health plan costs to rise 5.3% in 2021. In projecting possible scenarios for 2021, consultancy PwC suggests the … more »
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Worksite Health: Telemedicine Comes of Age

Phillip Berry | Sep 30th, 2020
In 2002, I joined a startup called The venture was Roche-backed and had the mission to enable patients to interact virtually with physicians via the internet. Patients could use an internet browser to connect to a system that would triage their condition and then enable a real-time chat with a physician that could lead … more »
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The Worksite Clinic Conundrum

Phillip Berry | Aug 19th, 2020
We Have a Problem The worksite health space has exploded as employers have jumped at the opportunity to take control of many aspects of their healthcare expense and positively impact the health of their employees.  Occupational health, wellness, acute care, and primary care were put in place and we’ve been pretty effective at reducing some … more »
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Your Worksite Clinic Should Help Lower Rx Costs

Phillip Berry | Jul 22nd, 2020
We have a problem. In a world of increasing healthcare costs, prescription drug spending for self-funded employers now comprises 30% of total medical claims (Rx Drug Plans Shift Costs to Employees). From 2014 to 2018, per person spending on prescription drugs increased 19% (Health Care Cost Institute). Though employers are using numerous strategies to address … more »
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